
"Irmie Vesselsky"





Pop (Singer/Songwriter und Pianistin)



Quiet reservation at first, then followed by a powerful intensity - emotions crowd together on Irmie Vesselsky’s debut album. With the power of her voice and magical piano melodies, her music is full of variety, melancholy and execution. The contradictions are what strike a chord as well as the 27-year-old’s apparent ease in recounting them. Through the emotional highs and lows of life, Irmie Vesselsky takes the listener on a wild and passionate, and then gentle and fragile journey. Images full of feeling are created like the memorable melodies, which seem to have been appeared out of nothing. Reduced but intense passages mark “Parentheses Of Antitheses”, where music and voice disperse harmonically. This is a game that Irmie masters quite well: as if voice and piano were dancing only to lose touch and then in complete joy find their way back to each other once again. Violin passages, dubs and soundscapes are mixed into this dance again and again: understated but effective. Irmie Vesselsky's music should be enjoyed with an open heart for “Beauty is a rare thing!” (Ornette Coleman)




IRMIE VESSELSKY - "Parentheses of Antiheses"


Mit der Kraft ihrer Stimme und bezaubernden Klaviermelodien erzählt die Niederösterreichische Singer/Songwriterin in 13 berührenden Songs aus ihrem Leben. Es sind gerade diese Widersprüche, die ihre Musik so lebendig machen. Himmelhoch jauchzend und zu Tode betrübt – in ihrem Debütalbum öffnet die junge Singer/Songwriterin Irmie Vesselsky ihre ganz persönliche Pandora’s Box. 

"Eine schöne Überraschung: Die beste Tori-Amos-Platte seit Jahren kommt nicht von Tori Amos, sondern von einer jungen Singer/Songwriterin aus Niederösterreich."
(Gerhard Stöger, "FALTER" 11/11/09)

"Verdammt, da ist mir Ende letzten Jahres doch glatt eine echte Perle durchs Netz geschlüpft! Großartigste Songreiterei, eine Frau, ein Klavier, eine Stimme, dich dich im Herzen trifft - Songs voll Melancholie & beinahe physisch spürbare Schönheit. Was braucht es mehr? ..." 
(Andreas Russ, Kurier Freizeit 1049 - 09.01.2010)

Label: cracked anegg records // Pressetext // Technical Rider 
Pressefotos (Abdruck kostenfrei): Photo 1 // Photo 2 // Photo 3 
Irmie on YouTube: Videos